Friday, September 9, 2011

You Be the Teacher

We all remember those themes we were given in English class. Our teacher would tell us to write about our favorite toy, our best friend, our summer vacation or what we want to be when we grow up. I feel I should give all my faithful readers a chance to challenge my creativity. Can I really make any topic worth reading about? I doubt it. For instance, who would want to read a story about fungal infection? Or selling a house? (Sadly, I have at least one friend who insists that this was a major theme of a story I was writing.) I am willing to give all and any ideas a fair chance inside my mind, so give me a topic and prepare to be entertained.


  1. Infected, by Scott Siglar:

    Its almost a fungal infection, and a very good story (though, his writing leaves something to be desired).

  2. That wasn't the question you were supposed to answer, but you gave me the chance to grade your reading comprehension. Reading Comprehension Zero :)
