Tuesday, May 8, 2012

25 Followers=Free Cookies

While the title of this post should say all that needs to be said, I feel that I should be more clear. When this blog acquires twenty-five followers, a drawing will be held. The person whose name gets drawn will receive a dozen delicious cookies. (Due to the fact that I don't add extra preservatives to my baked goods, followers who live overseas will not be eligible for this particular drawing as they would not feel rewarded to receive stale cookies. I felt I should state that to avoid breaking any hearts.)

To give you the idea of the size of these cookies, the plate is sitting on top of four handmade, clothbound journals that measure 5 inches by 7 inches. (These journals, and many more, are for sale, so message me for more info.) Obviously, I will make fresh cookies when someone wins, so look left and click the button that says "Join this site".


  1. Does following via RSS Count? ;-)

  2. Well, I will be pulling the names from the followers list. On a side note, my dashboard tells me I have six followers. Do I have invisible followers?

  3. your page doesn't list any, those are likely people using RSS.

    How does one follow a page and get on the followers list?

  4. Click "join this site" and log in with a google or blogger account. (I think you can use a yahoo account, too, but I haven't tried.)

  5. "Join this site" doesn't appear anywhere on the page (other than in the article and in your comment)

  6. It's right under followers. Is there no button there?
