Thursday, June 27, 2013

Secrets of the Boss 12

“Hey, Pole. Let’s grab something to eat.”

“Well…” Officer Polsen’s eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror.

“I’m sure Miss Holden would like something.” Officer Wason continues.

I nod my head and Officer Polsen inclines his head. “I guess it will be okay.”

“I love that place.” Officer Wason points at a restaurant nestled between a vacuum repair shop and a stationery store.

Faded lettering names the place Nonni’s. As we enter through a heavy wooden door, a tiny waitress with greying hair motions for us to seat ourselves. We take seats in the corner beside the door to the kitchen. We listen to dishes clattering and a man barking out orders in an accented voice until our food arrives. The fragrant scent of fresh herbs and slow-roasted tomato sauce loosens our tongues.

“We talked to the men who own the batting cages, but none of them fits your description of the man who…” Officer Polsen focuses on the fading bruises that add color to my face.

“He could be a silent partner.” Officer Wason suggests.

I shrug. “So how do we find him?”

Both officers gaze at me in silence. To hide their lack of response, they fill their mouths with pasta. As they slowly chew, they make eye contact and Officer Polsen nods at his partner. He turns to me and offers me a reassuring smile as he swallows hard.

“If we don’t find him soon, you’ll be moved to a safe house.”

“You’ve been guarding my place for a couple of days and…” I protest.

“Nothing has happened?” Officer Wason puts down his fork and leans toward me. “But we’d feel more comfortable protecting you in a place with less activity.”

“I suppose.” My voice trails off.

We fill the ensuing silence with crunching and chewing. I poke at an immense meatball, pushing it around my plate half-heartedly as my appetite subsides. At first, I intently watch the trail of sauce that follows the meatball around my plate. Eventually, I notice a blue glow growing near our table.  My eyes move upward slowly.

“Look.” Larry says.

I freeze except for my eyes. They follow the trail of Larry’s glowing finger. Looking over Officer Wason’s shoulder, I see a familiar face. His dark hair and orange skin looks more natural under the soft glow of the overhead lights.

From this distance, I can’t hear any of the words flowing from his lips, but I can tell by his grand hand gestures that front of him failed him in some way. As his tirade draws to a close, his eyes find their way to me. His hands stop in midair, slowly sinking to his side as his mouth opens again.

“That’s him.” I choke on the words.

The officers turn as one, standing to shield me as they draw their guns. With a harsh word from the boss, the man at his side reaches for his firearm. He glances worriedly from his boss to my protectors.

“Don’t try it.” Officer Wason warns as he takes a step forward.

The first gunshot deafens the room. I fall to the floor, covering my ears with my hands.


I lose track of time. Despite the ringing filling my ears, I begin to hear voices again. I can’t distinguish the words of the boss and his associate, but those closer to me add their music to the din that deafens me.

“Get up.” Officer Wason hisses at me.

I stand slowly, stepping toward him numbly.

“Get her out of here.” Officer Wason pushes me into Officer Polsen’s arms.

He wraps them around me protectively, shielding me with his body as more gunshots shatter my ability to hear. I move with him as he pushes me toward the kitchen door. Warm breath caresses my neck as we push through the door. The clatter of washing dishes and preparing food continues despite the activity in the dining area. No one even glances in our direction as Officer Polsen ushers me through the back door.

As the door slowly closes behind us, Officer Polsen pushes me against the wall to survey the kitchen. More gunshots erupt. Then only kitchen sounds greet our straining ears. Officer Polsen turns the knob attached to the speaker on his shoulder. I hold my breath as we listen for any sound to give us closure.

“He’s down.” Static almost obscures the whispered voice.

 As Officer Polsen looks back to me, he reaches out to touch my face. His fingertips make me aware of the sticky liquid on my cheek. I reach up until the tips of my fingers touch his, pulling them away to look at the rich red blood that stains them.

“Where did they hit you?” As he leans in to gently brush the hair back from my face, I see a red slash across his cheek.

“I think it’s you.” I point, letting my finger linger less than an inch from his face.

He raises his free hand to touch his own cheek. “You’re right. Nothing to worry about.”

A burst of static stifles my words as Officer Wason’s voice crackles from the speaker. “Is she okay to make a positive I.D.?”

I nod my head and Officer Polsen relays my assent. As we pass through the kitchen, the silence strikes me. A cluster of kitchen staffers watches us warily from their post in front of the freezer. I follow Officer Polsen with slow shuffling steps. As the door swings open, I focus on the windows. Jagged shards of glass hang from most of the frames.

I keep walking forward until Officer Wason holds up a hand to stop me. “I’m sorry to ask this, but could you look down just long enough to tell us if you recognize this man.”

As I look down at what is left of the man’s head, my stomach heaves. My heart, however, feels calm again. Larry’s ghostly image smiles at me and fades into nothingness. Officer Polsen puts his hand on my arm.

“Are you okay?”

With relief, my eyes lift to his face. “That’s him. I’ll be okay.”

“We need you to answer a few questions and then we’ll take you home. Okay?”

I nod and turn away as someone throws a tablecloth over the boss’s face, covering it as completely as he once covered his secrets.

Was this thrilling conclusion satisfying? Did I answer your questions? What do you think?
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