Wednesday, April 20, 2022

A Truly Good Friday

Every year, the mixed feelings about Good Friday overwhelm me. I am so grateful that Our Savior loves each of us enough to suffer through the agonies of hanging from the cross, not to mention feeling every pain or sorrow that we have ever felt. At the same time, guilt creeps in and reminds me that he suffered more for every sin I ever committed. How do I balance these two pieces of knowledge?

Christ focused on the good in those He encountered and so should we. 

He refused to condemn the woman caught in adultery.

He healed all who showed faith and even some who didn’t.

He didn’t turn anyone away. He multiplied what they brought to Him and used it to feed their bodies and their souls.

And then, on a Good Friday so many centuries ago, He hung from a cross, feeling every hurt that would ever touch us and knowing that many of us would not accept the love so freely given or the salvation offered. 

This leads me to wonder what we could do each day to make every day as good as that Friday long ago.

We are not asked to hang on a cross. We are merely asked to look out for each other while looking to Him who loves us most.

We are not asked to give every drop of blood and breath of life. We are asked to give what we can to those in need, even if it is just a smile or a kind word.

We are not necessarily asked to behold the face of our mother as her heart breaks for the pain we are going through. We are asked to honor our parents and teach our children to be the good they want to see in this world.

We are asked to do little things whenever we can to leave this world better than we found it. I think even those who don’t believe in a higher power can agree with that.

What are you going to do throughout your life to honor that Good Friday so long ago?

~~~I had the best of intentions, but I was traveling on Good Friday and then I was at someone else’s house with two toddlers, so here is my belatedly posted thoughts. If you have faith, every day is a good day, right?~~~

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