Monday, May 1, 2023


Welcome to the second installment of poetry for National Poetry Month. Sorry it is a day late.

Day 16: The Sun of the World

That light we seek starts in our hearts

If we give to Him the tenderest parts

To fill with truth, light, and love

If we admit what we are in fear of

We can open our leaves and accept the sun

We needn’t look far for He is the one

With arms extended to pull us close

And give us that last healing dose

Of eternity to make us whole

But first we must accept his role

Day 17: Nerve

The nerve of some people, daring to breath

The nerve of those people stopping to grieve 

The nerve of those villains just seeking peace

The nerve of those whose love doesn’t cease

The real nerve here is daring to call

Another wrong for daring at all

To have an original, personal thought

Maybe it wasn’t nerve we sought

DAY 18: Love and Hate

Swirled up in love’s sweet mists

Or facing off with hate’s clenched fists 

Fear the day these two become one

For you could lose the gentle sun

That tends your garden so it may grow 

Love’s caress sets your heart on fire

Hate’s cold heat quells your hood desire

Choose one and keep them apart

Or you will lose control of your heart

And discover pain none should know

Reach out to love and keep it pure 

Don’t let hate catch you with its lure

Because miracles stem from love first

And hate leaves an insatiable thirst

So choose where your heart will go

Day 19: Taste’s Treat

Salt and sweet upon my tongue

At last, this could be the on 

The dessert none could deny

Brings a tear to the eye

While the tongue longs for more

Salt tinged with sugar like before

A taste so true these words fail

Next to flavor, they are pale

Day 20: Snap

Snap, Snap, snap

With claws I cannot clap

But as I scuttle side to side

I seek a shell in which to hide

Snap, snap, snap

Or maybe just a tap

To remind the others to leave me be

As I seek again the deep blue sea

Day 21: Assigned Words

I bend so low and take a bow

But as I lean, I fade out of now

And find myself in the park

Sitting on a seesaw in the dark

So if I fall and my pants tear

Will my wound scar beyond repair

Leaving a memory of the day

That unknown magic spirited me away

To be once more a tiny child

Who had no fear of growing wild

Day 22: What Audacity

What audacity

To judge my capacity

To love or learn

Or set fires to burn

And then snuff them out

Please, don’t pout

What audacity 

To tell me who to be

When you only see

Some shadow of a girl

Who could rule your world

So step away small mind

I am not yours to find

Day 23: Fear

Is it darkness we fear

Or absence of light

Without candle near

Will we succumb to fright

Does what we hold dear

Decide what is right

When we listen and hear

Terrors in the night

Is terror born in what don’t know 

Or in the things that we see

As our heart rates grow

And we fall to one knee

Or will the end show

Fears that are meant to be

Day 24: Touch

Soft, silky against my skin 

Time to cut and stitch again

So I can feel at my waist

A hint of fabric to my taste

Plush and shimmering to the eye

Cut to perfectly lie

Against hip, belly, and thigh

A lovely touch just for me and I

Day 25: Dream

Wrapped up in a stranger’s arms

One whose smile disarms

Because you knew them years before

But this embrace confuses more

Because his type you never were

You once thought but now are sure

And now another lets his face fall

And you don’t have time to explain it all

Day 26: What Do You Mean?

What do you mean professing your love

I am not the girl that you dream of

I know another has stolen your heart

And that love could tear us apart

What do you mean turning me in

I am not the one who consented to sin

Nor did I ruin what you held dear

She is still lingering here

What do you mean pretending to see

When you only ever looked through me

And now I am gone and you don’t know

Because you don’t know where this could go

Day 27: Where There Is A Will

Dusty pages promise riches

And sometimes leave one in stitches

When loved ones cannot agree

On what the deceased wished to be

So if leave words or money

Should we sweeten it with honey

So the bees will stop their stinging

And accept what the will is bringing

Day 28: You Are Love

Even though time has changed your beauty

You must know that you are love

And though in the mirror you now see

Someone you have no memory of

Someone somewhere still dreams of you

For to them you are love

And if they call out of the blue

With the cooing of a turtle dove 

Let them speak, listen close

And know that you are love

Though you see no need to boast

To someone, always, you are love

Day 29: Sight

What do I see with eyes so bright

As they sparkle in darkest night

This cat sees beyond the dark

And finds the littlest mouse’s spark

To chase it down before day returns

But does the mouse see these concerns

Before claws come and fangs, too

Or does your master wake next day

To a sight you hope they don’t throw away

Day 30: Surprise

When the end comes and you open your eyes

Will you succumb to a surprise

That you have been saved at last

Though He said you only had to ask

And show some hope and faith too

To have his grace save you

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