Monday, April 20, 2020

Embrace [POETRY]


Where do you go when you feel the bump
Of timid arms, bringing you into an embrace
That calms you from the pain that is a fixture
Of a saddened world that makes werewolves howl
Outside your window, making you less lonely
When you finally give into firm resolve

So give in at last to what you resolve
Will give you hope and finally bump
Your heart back from the realm of the lonely
And you return that timed embrace
But if you hug too hard, your love will howl
And maybe your love won’t become a fixture

So how does your love become romantic fixture
And how do you make true feelings resolve
Into more than a poetic lover’s midnight howl
So take a chance, step over that bump
Lose yourself in the first of many an embrace
That makes you forget what it is to be lonely

When you have love, do not forget the lonely
Nor let them forget when you were a fixture
In conversations of longing to know an embrace
That was offered with such sweet resolve
That suddenly your heart goes bump, bump, bump
And blood rushes up to make your ears howl

So listen up, is that a werewolf’s howl
Does he know what it is to be so lonely
That you feel how hard your heart can bump
When you realize you are no more than a fixture
Always expected to stand by without your own resolve
And no other monster will offer their embrace

But even a monster finds another to embrace
One who can share their sad midnight howl
So monster or princess, you must resolve
That you will not allow yourself to be lonely
Or just a small part in someone else’s story, a fixture
That they might write off and choose to bump

Steel your resolve, offer an embrace
And if midnight makes a bump, don’t howl
Don’t choose to be lonely, don’t choose to be a fixture

I was challenged to try a new poetic form, a sestina. I clearly have not mastered it. (Also, I didn't choose my initial six words and those six really wanted this to be much naughtier.) Hope it amuses you.


We thought we were trapped, left alone
But that isn’t true, we can’t condone
Letting go of those we love, when we
Can reach out in a million different ways
So wherever you are, know someone prays
To hold you close once more and waits
Until the sadness and sickness abates
So we can meet one more under the sun
And share more great moments with everyone

This was a little bonus poem since I skipped yesterday. Happy Monday, people.

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