I know I have been remiss, but, like a friend’s son, I am a flu survivor. If you got flu A this year and felt like a slug or a sloth for a couple of weeks afterward, you know where I am coming from. I was gifted this fine gift and it came to fruition Christmas Day and kept on giving. Don’t worry. I am feeling better this week. I even started arranging items in my newly remodeled kitchen and my front room, which only got new flooring but ended up needing rearranged as well. In the meantime, all my dear muse has given me is a couple of poems, which I will share with you for you to whet your appetites for what I hope shall be a year for words in masterpiece form.
All My Excuses
All my excuses fall on deaf ears
No one can hear through a barrage of tears
That is not what they want to find here
They need more words to hold dear
Every excuse keeps back that fiction
Which can become both cure and addiction
So forgive the remiss and wait a bit more
For Muse to inspire as before
What Dream Is This?
We meet here, no prying eyes to fear
Castle by the roadside, friends who hide
Because before we knew, someone else loved you
But we’re just friends, amity never ends
At declaration of old adoration
Then lights catch me, before I can see
Where you are, I know this car
How did he know we had chose this place to be
His eyes cannot disguise
Disappointment that I dared to deny
Unspoken request, old lover’s behest
That your friend I can’t be as he introduced you and me