Monday, September 21, 2020


 Warm glow behind frosted glass

Are we ready for pumpkins at last?

Spice on the air, awaking our tongues

As we breath the chill deep into our lungs

And dream of dark nights and costumes bright

Apples dripping candy, children’s delight

As we step back in time or summon the future,

Dressed up in scrubs, marred by a suture,

And when tricking is done, we tally our treats

And wait while our hot chocolate heats

Gazing at a moon so full in the sky

As our minds now turn to pumpkin pie

Hello, dear readers. I hope you are ready for fall. It snuck up on us amongst all the excitement. I started this poem sometime in August. It can be rather cold when you are walking around your neighborhood before the sun is even up. Or maybe I am already half thinking about costumes and treats?