Thursday, April 30, 2020

Praise [POETRY]

Praise to the one who granted you a name
Praise to the one who loves you just the same
In your moments of evil as your moments of good
Though he always wishes that you would
Choose the better part, choose the best way
To show a hint of love in every single day

Praise to the one who answers are prayers
And encourages love so everyone shares
What little they have so all may press on
And still love each other when troubles are gone
So lift up your voice, sing songs of praise
There is always reason to joyful strains raise

The last day of poetry month.
Too bad? last?
Now to carve out some time to write a few short stories, so this blog doesn't miss us.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Total Exhaustion [POETRY]

I spent all night dancing in your dreams
And all morning easing all your screams
And now I stumble blindly, hoping to see
A less weary version of this exhausted me
But dishes need washing, tears need wiped
And it feels as if my last breath just got swiped
Still I keep moving and everything gets done
But it never quite feels like I have won
So pull me back for a quieter dream
Take a moment, forget whatever scheme
Would have me running and just let me rest
Close to your heart, you know that is best
Cure for this total exhaustion before it takes me
Back to a place no mortal eyes can see

Next to the last day of poetry month.
Did you write yourself a poem yet?

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Look Around [POETRY]

Don’t look back, she’s not there
You lost her in the past somewhere
You should have looked when you had her hand
And listened close so you could understand
Don’t look back, you must look ahead
Seek out safer game instead
Don’t look back, the past set you free
Let yourself loose from what could be
No longer tied down to past shames
Or linked inexorably to unwanted names
So step forward, take a chance
And join in on future’s dance

Only a few more days of poetry.
Anyone looking forward to a short story?
Do I have one in me?

Monday, April 27, 2020

Massive Love [POETRY]

In comparison to our time together
This love could span a million lifetimes
Explode every universe
Make the eternity disappear into nothing
Because it surpasses all
And takes all into it
Making all other affection appear
As the smallest grain of sand
Lost upon the shores of great loves
But ours can be found
Because our hearts bring us together
Though miles and centuries may tear at us
Wishing to tear apart the one thing
That is meant to be eternal

Thought I should take
A little bit of a break
From being rhymey
All of the timey.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Choose to Change [POETRY]

How many decades can pass by
Influenced by one choice to change
Will you wonder or ask why
As you grow and age
Why a choice you made years ago
Shaped who you will be
The person you come to know
As you step into eternity
And if you chose well
You will love future you
And be privileged to tell
Others that you are true
To both who you once were
And who you hope to be
So choose, and be sure
Change makes your future, you see…

Today's prompt was about change.
Twenty-two years ago, I chose to be baptized into my church.
There have been a million changes since then.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Cloud Haiku [POETRY]

Open the sky up
Let the rain flow down to earth
Until the soil seeps

I considered posting some of my early works today.
Might be best that I didn't.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Chasing Clouds [POETRY]

Puffs of mist floating high above
Making sad declarations of love
But no one hears and so you cry
Pouring out water from the sky
To bring new life from spring soil
Pierced by planes, twist and coil
To make new shapes for young eyes
To discover as each one spies
Some new creature or just some fluff
Will the cloud’s effort ever be enough

It has been a rough day over here.
Maybe the rain clouds are stalking me....

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Social Grief [POETRY]

How can you understand at two
Why no one comes to play with you
And mom and dad are always here
But rarely have time to hold you near
Maybe they long for a playdate, too,
And sister doesn’t get it though she I four
That she doesn’t go to school any more
But mommy promises that when we can
We will get to see our friends again
She is hoping it is soon, but for now
We will make it through, but I don’t know how
So I will trust in her and hold her tight
Because that is when I know it is alright.

Sorry this one is a little dark. Times are dark though, aren't they?
Hope all is well.
And you have all you need.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quirky [POETRY]

Do you love these little things I do
That I seem to do only around you
Because even though so much time passed
You make my breath shallow, my heart beat fast
And all sense leave until I act the fool
Not that I ever passed for cool
Even before you threw my world off kilter
And helped my mind forget its filter
When I share more than I probably should
Like no one else ever knew I could

Another day. Another poem. Another quarantine. Nope. Same quarantine.
New psychosis?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tell Me [POETRY]

Tell me about those feelings that set you on fire
The ones that make you blush, cheeks of fire
Tell me the secrets you hold inside your heart
Tell me the truth, you feel torn apart
Without my affirmations of love to remind you
That someone can be honest and true
Have you loved so deeply you feel it in your toes
When someone else’s nose brushes your nose
Or that total peace is found in the soft embrace
Of one with an unforgettable face
Tell yourself the truth and set yourself free
Then maybe you can tell the truth to me

A love poem was requested. Hope it makes you feel all gushy inside.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Embrace [POETRY]


Where do you go when you feel the bump
Of timid arms, bringing you into an embrace
That calms you from the pain that is a fixture
Of a saddened world that makes werewolves howl
Outside your window, making you less lonely
When you finally give into firm resolve

So give in at last to what you resolve
Will give you hope and finally bump
Your heart back from the realm of the lonely
And you return that timed embrace
But if you hug too hard, your love will howl
And maybe your love won’t become a fixture

So how does your love become romantic fixture
And how do you make true feelings resolve
Into more than a poetic lover’s midnight howl
So take a chance, step over that bump
Lose yourself in the first of many an embrace
That makes you forget what it is to be lonely

When you have love, do not forget the lonely
Nor let them forget when you were a fixture
In conversations of longing to know an embrace
That was offered with such sweet resolve
That suddenly your heart goes bump, bump, bump
And blood rushes up to make your ears howl

So listen up, is that a werewolf’s howl
Does he know what it is to be so lonely
That you feel how hard your heart can bump
When you realize you are no more than a fixture
Always expected to stand by without your own resolve
And no other monster will offer their embrace

But even a monster finds another to embrace
One who can share their sad midnight howl
So monster or princess, you must resolve
That you will not allow yourself to be lonely
Or just a small part in someone else’s story, a fixture
That they might write off and choose to bump

Steel your resolve, offer an embrace
And if midnight makes a bump, don’t howl
Don’t choose to be lonely, don’t choose to be a fixture

I was challenged to try a new poetic form, a sestina. I clearly have not mastered it. (Also, I didn't choose my initial six words and those six really wanted this to be much naughtier.) Hope it amuses you.


We thought we were trapped, left alone
But that isn’t true, we can’t condone
Letting go of those we love, when we
Can reach out in a million different ways
So wherever you are, know someone prays
To hold you close once more and waits
Until the sadness and sickness abates
So we can meet one more under the sun
And share more great moments with everyone

This was a little bonus poem since I skipped yesterday. Happy Monday, people.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

A Message [POETRY]

To keep it brief 
I need relief 
From boredom that assails me
Send help, whatever form it be
Gratitude will follow

Feel free to write your own brief message poem in the comments.
We all need a little distraction these days.
Not sure these poetic bits are bringing enough joy, so I need to whip up something a little longer...

Friday, April 17, 2020


You’re a phenom, reaching for the stars
Though current events put everyone behind bars
Of fear and loss and deep regret
But don’t let these times make you forget
That though these times may try our souls
Each of us must come together, our roles
Will bring us back, hopefully, to a better side
Of this world we are creating, each day
By our choices, by the words we say
So choose to be fabulous, choose to be you
Seek out wisdom as you do what you do
Keep on seeking, find what is true
But no matter what, always be you

Don't lose yourself in your head...
Or the new hats you have to wear because you are home all day...
We still need each other...
And we will celebrate together soon...

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Inspire Me [POETRY]

I once told someone I wasn't inspired to be his girl
He was so sweet, I wouldn't hurt him for the world
He  had asked me to date his friend first
And I hoped my gentle rejection would be the worst
No idea where life took him, though I could check
I will just assume it wasn't a train wreck
Because the better lives I might dream up for him
Might not fill the need of his personal whim
But others I might seek out who would inspire me
To reach toward the light of higher me
Who reached beyond the stars with words
Soaring amongst the feathers of the birds
To sink back down until feet touch the earth
And with the power of words I find rebirth
And hope in gifts bestowed upon my heart
When I take a moment to take a chance and make a start

I think we all need more inspiration and less trauma these days.
Don't you think?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dream [POETRY]

What you desire most hides inside
Until night falls, no reason to hide
When your eyes close and no one sees
What now brings you to your knees
Will joy find you as sleep rolls in
Or will nightmares plague you again
Some don’t dare to ask their mind
What they are hoping to find
So they avoid sleep and hope not to dream
But what’s missing? More than a scream?
Dare to dream, to hope, even listen to
That voice that lingers deep inside of you
Waiting until you calm down enough to hear
Both what brings hope and what brings fear

Not sure how well these prompts are working.
What do you think?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Haikus to Forces of Nature [POETRY]

Swift feet pounding through
Little ears can not hear you
Children still love you

Load us with sugar
And let us loose in your home
Because we are yours

All animals live
Inside the walls of a home
Blessed with little ones

Every parent of toddlers know what I am saying...
and more.
Stay strong, friends!

Monday, April 13, 2020


Why am I at the top of this mountain
Wishing I knew what brought me here
How can I ever be certain
That I have chosen wisely in my fear
Of never accomplishing what I must
To make the world right and just
But as snowflakes swirl around my face
I forget why I am in this place
And stepping out toward a steep slope
I lean into an ice flow and hope
As the worlds swirls past me
My heart soars far into the sky
I close my eyes, and finally see
That there can be more than one “why”

So I have never been snowboarding and haven't been skiing since I was nine, but anything exciting that doesn't involve a sweet toddler melting down for unknown reasons (and remaining inconsolable)  sounds fabulous right now.
Happy Monday!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Take Over [POETRY]

When love takes your hand
And your heart loses control
And you don't understand
What happened to your soul 
As two souls entwined
Reach out into eternity
And your heart and mind
Are bowed down to destiny
But who wins if you let go
Before you have a chance to grow
Into who you were meant to be
So cede control, so you can see
That having a hand to hold
Brings perfect comfort as you grow old
So don’t let go, hold on tight
Take control of what you know is right

Hope this translated well from my garbled mind.
Have a great Saturday.
Hope you have big plans for tomorrow.
Hope the Easter Bunny doesn't social distance...

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Girl Who Sang [POETRY]

The girl who sang raised her voice in praise
Hoping to reach the one who did raise
From the tomb to bless her life
Give her the chance to conquer her strife
With grace and beauty, so she sang
And listened as her words rang
Back from thin walls to bless her ears
And those next door, her peers
Who wondered how she could rejoice
And raise a joyous strain with tired voice
Though she lived next door, didn’t have much
Maybe one day they would ask what did touch
Her heart so deeply that she sings all day
Though they can’t hear the ones she prays

Managed to follow the writing prompt I received and make it apply to Good Friday.
Hope you are preparing for a fabulous Easter.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Fiery Forest [POETRY]

The stars have come out
The world breathes in night
But as I look about
I am drawn to a light
Glowing inside the forest
I know with my whole heart
That even when I rest
I feel we aren’t apart
Is the forest I love aflame
Wouldn’t I know
I step toward it, hear my name
And reach out toward the glow
It flows back to take my hand
And suddenly, I understand
The flame of inspiration
Draws me to this place
And now I know the reason
Why the glow warms my face
For I am still sleeping
Waiting for the sun to rise
And my secrets are no longer keeping
Behind my lidded eyes.

I should be sleeping, but I forgot to post this.
I hope it helps your insomnia.
It may have caused mine.
La de da!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Forward {POETRY]

Fast forward, years from now
Take me out into the stars
I can’t say when or how
But I know nothing bars
Me from reaching out into space
Even a bit of me, a hint of my face
On someone younger than I am now
And he or she will know how
Life transformed by our every act
And hopefully find peace in the fact
That we struggled through, rose above
And gave our best to those we love

Anyone else having trouble sleeping for all the worry you are doing?
Hoping I get some good sleep soon, so I can write deeper things.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Fortune [POETRY]

What fortune is this that plopped me down hear
With a basket at my feet and a very long ear
I check again and then there are two
One flops over, covering my face
And I wonder what on earth to do
Because I feel so out of place
I spy a glint of gold in the basket at my feet
And pull it out, hoping for something to eat
But as it touches my teeth, I know
This isn’t how this is supposed to go
“Sorry, lass, but that gilt be mine”
A voice whispers and I find
Myself facing a red-headed imp
Who grins as he bows and forward does limp
To pluck the golden coin from my hands
I gasp and he nods as if he understands
“’Tis what ye need this?” He proffers
Something more precious than all in his coffers
A rich chocolate egg wrapped in bright foil
It lingers on my tongue and alleviates the toil
Of a long day of hatching plans to bring
Treats to all the little people who celebrate spring
With baskets of goodies and fluffy tails
For the fortunate Easter Bunny never fails

Thought I should be a little cute and cheeky today.
Hope you loved it.
Hope you wake up to treats on Sunday!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Trapped [POETRY]

Invisible ceiling, holding me down
Somewhere I cannot be found
Prison of ice, steel daggers in my heart
But nothing can tear us apart
Words unspoken keep me here
By the truth that I fear
Knowing too much makes us wise
In a circle of infinite lies
Lying down when we should fight
By not defending what we know is right

Quarantine might be affecting my poetry. Six days into writing poetry and I must say "Not dead yet."
Scary, right?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

One Moment [POETRY]

Lips gently brush against lips
Breaths mingled, the world slips
Away in this single moment
Was this what my heart meant
When it skipped a beat when your face
First appeared in a familiar place
And as I breath in the scent of you
I know you are a soul I always knew
And when our lips finally part
And you hold me close to your heart
I close my eyes long enough to wonder
Will we awaken from this spell we are under

A decade passes and your lips still bring
The power to cause my heart to sing
Some moments are not made to end
When one falls in love with a friend
And learns to grow closer each day
To the one who makes them feel this way
So lean in close, let our lips touch
Does a single kiss really mean this much?

A little mushy, I know, but the prompt today led me here. Be glad I didn't choose to write a poem about childbirth. Hahaha!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Elegy for Robin [POETRY]

Oh, Robin, dear Robin, you made wishes come true
Though we never knew not what to expect of you
You could drink through your finger and sit on your head
Become a child again and jump on your bed
Whether you’re bionic or just the greatest dad
Losing you made so many hearts sad
We wish we knew what hid behind that smile
We would have fought to keep you for a little while
But you chose to move on and we hope you still know
That love and laughter follow everywhere you go

Today's challenge was to write an elegy. 
I got sidetracked and then my theme made me sad. 
Nano nano :(
Hope it is worth your consideration.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Follow Me Down [POETRY]

Follow me down to the depths of my soul
See the product of the dice you roll
Twist me up in a blue-lined sheet
And guide me toward those I should meet
Before I venture out into a world of wonders
And realize the consequence of the smallest blunders
As the world around me floods, lightning strikes
Illuminating a dozen heads on pikes 
About the keep of the castle fair
But it is too late to wish myself elsewhere 
As the drawbridge lowers and I am drawn forward
Knowing not what danger I walk toward
As a familiar voice echoes from all around
Inviting so sweetly, “Follow me down…”

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Consumed [POETRY]

Consumed, swallowed up
And dispersed across the stars
On my own tears I sup
To think of what is ours
Just one twinkle, just one
Of a million glowing stars
To warm us until we are done 
Weeping for what could have been
While what is waits for us to see
That there will be joy again

Shining down on you and me

Got a prompt and may have twisted it a little bit. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Look And See [POETRY]

The whole world screams, “Look at me”
Yet no one looks, no one can see
How precious each one has always been
Whether we know them or call them friend
So take a breath, close your eyes
Think once more, listen for those cries
You cannot hear with physical ears
And watch for signs of unseen tears
We are born to love, all, not one
And we must admit our day is not done
Until we show love even if only by bowing our heads
As we kneel reverently by our beds
And petition for those we may not know

So the love inside us can blossom and grow

Sorry, kids, it is poetry month. I think we might all need a little healing poetry in our souls right now. Hope you and your loved ones are well and safe...
and not driving each other TOO crazy.