Monday, June 7, 2010

Another Blog? For Real?

The idea behind this blog is to encourage me to write a higher quantity of interesting fiction. My other two blogs seem to lack interest. I assume, quite rightly, that this is because my life (or the part of it I choose to share) is not very interesting. I can accept this, but I can not accept defeat. After all, if I don't have something to fight for, what's the point in getting up to eat my oatmeal in the morning?

So here is the idea. If I haven't posted recently enough, you can tell me something you'd like to convince me to write about. If you want to hear what conclusion can come from a story starting with: "The sick brown snail slimed his way to the top of the...", just tell me. I will take it as a personal challenge and consider myself very amused. I am also considering setting this journal up so you can click on links to buy merchandise that google thinks might be of interest to my readers. Why? 1) Some days, I really want to know what artificial intelligence would make of my ramblings. 2) Every time someone clicks on one of my ads, they will be rewarding me for entertaining them. 3) Why not? Facebook keeps trying to send me to strip clubs in Philly, so it could be intriguing for all to observe. 4) One of my wives set up a blog of her own, and now she is my hero.

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