Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Where Did the Stories Go?

For those who noticed an absence of stories to read on the average Monday, I offer reassurance that the stories will return. Life has thrown a little more at me than my somewhat defective body could handle, so I put a brief pause on my weekly writing deadlines and boutique inventory updates.

So what keeps a hobbit that busy?

1. Chasing my tiny boss. A two year old has more energy than a dozen mommas of my advanced age. She keeps me busy from dawn until dusk, and often all the other hours in between. I actually started this post about twelve hours ago, but quickly got roped into playing, preparing food, and comforting for sorrows I may never understand.
2. Running to the bathroom. Having one toddler was not enough. Another tiny hobbit is growing happily inside my tummy, which means my bladder needs emptied frequently. This also means I get to discuss the previously mentioned advanced age with my doctors on a regular basis.
3. And if that doesn't make you a little more forgiving of my neglect of the gift of words, our growing family suggested a need for a slightly larger base of operations. We've been moving my hoard of craft supplies, costumes, baby accouterments, and papers for over a month. We finally have some places to plant our bottoms in the new house, so the end might be just around the corner.

Wish me luck, send up prayers that the stress doesn't melt my brain, and hopefully you will be reading lovely works of fiction again soon.

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