Friday, October 29, 2021

Frozen Father [FICTION]

“Janie?!?” My mother’s normally inflectionless voice pours out of the phone with nuances of meaning wrapped around my name.

“What happened?” My heart clenches behind my ribs, refusing to beat again until she reassures me.

“Something has happened to your father…” She takes in a deep breath in order to release a sob.

I wait for her to continue.

“What?” I finally ask as the sobs continue.

“He has been frozen solid. It’s almost like someone cast a spell on him.”

In inhale sharply and mutter, “This is my fault.”

“What. darling?”

“Don’t worry about it, Mom. I know just what to do.”

“Are you sure?” The hope in her voice tugs at my heart, amplifying my guilt.

“Of course, mom. Call me if anything changes.”

“You, too, honey.” She says absently and the phone goes dead.

I take a few deep breaths to brace myself and quickly place another call. As the phone stops ringing, a familiar laugh floats out of the speaker to taunt me.

“Janie, I knew you couldn’t let me go.” Joshua croons.

“Joshua, you warlock…”

“You know it, baby,” he interrupts. “I’ve cast a spell on you.”

“You mean on my father!” I exclaim in exasperation.

“Whatever works to get you to come around.”

“I am not coming around. You need to undo whatever you did.”

“Sorry, hon. I can’t discuss this over the phone.”

Another call rings through as I begin to reply. “Gotta go.” I mutter. “I’ll deal with you later.” I switch over to my mother. “Did something happen? Is daddy okay?”

“He is still frozen, dear, but now he looks like he is in pain.” My mother wails.

“I’ve got this, mom. Keep me posted.”

I barely remember the roads between my apartment and Joshua’s townhouse. I stare at his mammoth SUV with distaste as I step out of my tiny, fuel-efficient hybrid. 

“Opposites attract.” Joshua whispers as his breath caresses my neck.

“Stop doing that,” I wheel around to face him, feeling the skin all over my body crawling.

“You used to like for me to breath on your neck.” He grins lecherously.

“I have gotten smarter since then.”

He frowns at me. “So you like your pop-sicle?”

“No. And you won’t like yours either if you don’t reverse whatever you did to my father.” I raise my hand and point menacingly at him.

He laughs, a deep rumble that keeps rolling until I flick my wrist. His good humor gives way to a cry of pain as a small flame blossoms from the collar of his t-shirt.

As he finishes patting out the flame, he glares at me incredulously. “You couldn’t have.”

“But I did.”

“But you know nothing of magic.”

“I didn’t until you used it against me.”

“And now, I will use it against you every time you try to do so again.” I flick my wrist in the opposite direction and his waistband erupts in blue flames.

He screams, throwing himself to the ground to extinguish the flames. I step on his chest to keep him from getting up again. 

“Care to reverse that spell before I try something new?”

“You witch.”

“Indeed. Want to see how much of a witch I am?”

His eyes widen and he mumbles something under his breath. I frown at him, letting spells run through my head as I decide which will get the best response. As I decide on the perfect one, my mother’s ringtone pierces the air. I push my foot down a little harder to keep Josh from getting ideas or interrupting as I answer the phone.

“Yes, mom?”

“I am not your mother.” My father’s voice rumbles through the speaker, weak but still laced with his normal good humor.

“Dad, so good to hear from you.” I lift my foot from Josh’s chest.

As he sits up, I raise my finger in warning. He lays back down and watches me leave. I glare at him as I back up my car. He smiles and I flick my wrist. His pants erupt in flames again. I roll up the window to block out his screams of fear as he smothers the flames. As I drive away, my father tells me about his strange experience.

~~~I feel like you would have liked something more scary. Though this might be scary to exes, who don't want to get a little of their own misused magic back. Hope you are gearing up for a fabulous Halloween. Candy and costumes for the the win, my friends.~~~

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