Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Little Inspiration

As I fight my way through word after word of this years nanowrimo challenge, I find myself searching for that spark that causes those words to flow. Most often, I realize that the problem is trying to force the words. We have all done it from time to time if we have an interest in writing. Sadly, the words aren't always there when we want them. I admit that sometimes it is a struggle to move the story forward, but I sometimes question the reasons why we write.

I believe that we should write because we love it. We should write because we have a story to tell. We should write to inspire others. We should write to inspire ourselves. We should even write because someone asks I to. Sharing is important when we write. After all, we should hide neither our light nor what we write under a bushel.

I have met many people who write for the wrong reasons. Sometimes I am one of them. Some of us seek fame. Some of us seek fortune. I've met those who write only what needs written to fit the pattern of what they like to read. I have met people who appear to write with the express purpose of using the same word over and over again. Sometimes reading the ramblings of people who don't write completely for the love of it is painful, so show a little love when you write.

Now why did I ramble about this today? I have been cranking out words for my nanowrimo. My sense of integrity tells me I can only count the words in the novel of the moment. Maybe next week I will share a snippet of that work with you. In the meantime, keep writing, keep reading, and keep enjoying the world around you.

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