Thursday, August 29, 2013

(RANTINGS) My Pledge As a Writer

 I thought this would be an appropriate 100th post.

I pledge to... stories that need told.

Sometimes, my muse visits me in my dreams. She whispers in my ear as I watch the news. She even sneaks into my brain when I am focused on something important that a friend is saying and plants a seed. It is my vow that I shall listen to these notions and seek out more.

...tell those stories.

Through this journal and other writing ventures, I will bring more of these ideas to the page, whether it be this one or actual paper. It does no good if I tell stories that no one hears, so all must be revealed at some point.

...listen to my readers.

If you have a comment on a piece you read, make it. I love feedback. Of course, the goal is to become so popular that someday I can't individually address each of you, but right now, you have the privilege of my prompt responses.

...respond to comments and suggestions (incorporating the ones that will improve my writing).

See above.

...entertain you.

From time to time, I may post something that isn't exactly to your taste, but my interests are so varied that I hope you'll always give me a second chance. Come on back. Let me amuse you. my fellow writers.

I have been offering such support by encouraging other writers that I know. I also buy and/ or request a lot of books for all the gift-giving holidays. I realize I should probably post some links to some of my fellow writers, so that will be another goal for my summer of self-realization.

...keep dreaming.

If I don't keep dreaming big, I will stop writing. Then what will I have to show for my years of devotion to the verbal arts?

...keep writing.

Every word that I put to paper or page brings me close to perfecting my art. I shall keep writing whether people admit they find amusement in my words or not.

...keep hoping.

With enough time, maybe my hopes that people will recognize and reward my efforts can be realized.

...keep sharing.

That's the real point behind this blog. I intend to keep sharing bits of my self-proclaimed genius with those patient enough to bear with my rocky patches and keep reading and offering support.

...keep posting.

So keep checking back. My efforts shall continue to appear on this blog for scrutiny and adulation.

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