Thursday, July 1, 2021

Another Day, Another… [FICTION]

As I drop my purse, I notice the small brown wax paper envelope on my desk. My eyes light up. I would recognize that clarion of cookies anywhere. Only my favorite local bakery has an envelope like that. 

“What a fabulous way to start the morning.” I glance around to see if I missed a note or card.

Even without knowing who such a delicious treat came from, I can’t resist it. Soon nothing remains but crumbs and wax paper. The rest of my day seems brighter just because I started the day with deliciousness.

This day-boosting surprise continues for about four months. I begin to expect that sweet start to my day. A couple of coworkers comment on my improved mood, so I rule them out as my generous benefactor. I try to ask my work wife what she thinks, but she shrugs it off and makes a lame joke about not looking a gift cookie in the mouth.

This morning, however, my cookie doesn’t await me. Instead of my beloved chocolate chip morning enhancer, a small box awaits me. It is too small for a cookie. It is brown though. It has no words to identify the contents. I pick it up to inspect closer and see an envelope underneath that almost blends in with my desk except for the big block letters spelling out my name in black ink.

I waver. The box or the note? How do I decide. I opt to open the box first. It contains a pedometer. I wrinkle my nose. After all those cookies, I probably need to get more steps, but I don’t want to be reminded.

I pick up the envelope. A a silver foil sticker holds it closed. I pull out the card and read with interest.

“Dear employee,

“Due to a recent change in ownership, the morale committee that previously provided a morning cookie to boost everyone’s mood has become The Wellness committee. We are providing you with this pedometer to help you keep track of your daily movement. We also wish to provide you for these tips for a healthier day.

“Use the bathroom furthest from your desk.

“Use your break to get in a quick walk instead of eating snacks in the break room.

“Get up from your desk and get the blood flowing at least once an hour.

“Remember that only you can make healthy choices for yourself.

“More great tips to come,

“The Wellness Committee”

I guess I should read those email blasts from the CEO more carefully after this and not be so secretive. I feel my morale sinking just a little to know that I wasn’t the only recipient of delicious cookies for breakfast.

~~Maybe I should start a cookie of the month club. Would anyone join? It would probably be expensive because postage alone cost me a dollar a cookie the last time I sent them. Granted they were larger cookies, but they weren’t those ginormous discs of sugar and butter that you get at a bakery…well, a good bakery.~~

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