Thursday, November 25, 2021

Turkey Troubles

All this talk of gratitude makes me want to gobble, gobble, gobble. Those silly humans have no idea what real gratitude is. They enjoy being terrified all October, but turkeys don’t have that innate desire for a good scare. We just want to live and frolic and fall in love. Just because we aren’t human doesn’t mean we don’t notice when one of our mates disappears from the yard.

I overheard some of the humans talking and I know my end approaches if I can’t convince my rafter, what turkeys call our flock, to work together to fight for freedom. But they don’t listen. They consider the slowly increasing amount of food as a blessing not foreshadowing of some terrible day. The first snow has fallen. The pumpkins have disappeared from the front porches. The mistress of the house frets over the guest list so loudly that we can hear it from the yard. And then she recites another list that starts with appetizers, ends with pie, and inevitably includes the word turkey at least twice.

So I appeal to you. Whoever you are, take pity on me. I am too wise to be plucked and stuffed and roasted. Imagine the things you could learn if you just set me free. Besides, I hear tofu tastes way better than my breast meat ever could. Think about it. Save a life and keep your cholesterol down, my friends, I hear turkey raises your cholesterol anyway. You better save your cheat eats for that pie. I hear pumpkins aren’t afraid of anything. Have you seen the faces they make in October. You should be afraid of them.

~Just a little bonus for my dear readers. I hope you know how grateful I am for your feedback, support, and appreciation for these little pieces of amusement. I also hope you know that I am not the only one grateful for you. We all have people who love us, and I firmly believe we have Heavenly parents and a Savior who love each and everyone of us dearly. As we head into the Christmas season, I hope that love will filter through us into the world by our kind words and deeds.~

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