Friday, December 10, 2021

The Most Famous of All [FICTION]

Everyone knows my name. I don’t expect to be more well known than the boss, but I would expect to have at least as many admirers as anyone else on the team.

In a story as old as time, we made fun of the little guy because he has a red nose. Before we realized he could help us see on our yearly flight, we were just worried that lightbulb on his face might attract danger. The North Pole may be the happiest place on earth, but that doesn’t mean nothing scary lives here. Predators are everywhere. Everyone knows that even if some of them are in denial.

So you’ve guessed I am not Rudolph. I just have a dark, dull, normal nose. You also have surmised that I joined my friends in excluding him and bullying him. No one regrets that more than me. Rudolph is a great guy and has grown up to be a great friend. I can’t begrudge him his fame for lighting the way, but honestly, his harness helps us to follow him, it doesn’t let him help pull the sleigh.

Do you know how many kids get gifts every Christmas Eve? Over two billion. Even if half of them are too naughty to get anything but coal, that equates to tons of presents. Even Christmas magic can’t make that weigh nothing. 

And what about all those cookies and glasses of milk and cocoa and eggnog? Santa loves to eat. It is part of why he is so sweet, but even he couldn’t devour every crumb in one night. Instead, he packs them up and brings them home to the elves. I hope this doesn’t inspire anyone to stop leaving treats. How do you think the elves get the energy to make all those fantastic toys? Sugar and gratitude.

In light of all this, why would I be knocking on the jolly man’s office with a heavy heart? 

“Come in. Ho ho ho.”

When I don’t come through the door, he comes to open it for me. “Ah, Dasher, come in my friend.”

I lower my head so my antlers don’t scratch the doorway and follow him slowly. 

“What brings you in tonight? Excited for our journey in a couple of weeks?”

“About that. This might be my last year pulling the sleigh.” I stare down at my front hooves and wait for his response.

“Did you have a fight with one of the other reindeer? You can work it out. We’re family.”

“It isn’t that.” I assure him. “I was offered a job.”

“A better job than bringing happiness to every nice child in the world? Ho ho ho!” The last syllable falls short as his eyes meet mine. “Oh. You are serious. So who is trying to poach you?”

I snort at his choice of words. “An animal farm down south needs a mascot and they want to celebrate Christmas all year, so a reindeer is an obvious choice.”

“But what are they offering that you aren’t getting here? Is it the warmer weather?”

“No. I just want to feel appreciated.”

Santa leans back in his chair and folds his hands over his ample stomach. “Dasher, you know we all love you. People just like what is shiny and new. But up here, we all know that every member of our family is as important as all the others. That is why I will help with whatever choice you make.”

“Help how?”

“If you stay, we will work on helping the humans appreciate you more. If you choose to go, we will throw you a party and send an elf down with the special reindeer feed any time you feel the need to fly.”

I stare at him blankly for a minute. “The special Christmas Eve oats?”


“And if you want, you can even come home and visit us whenever you want.”

“That’s all I needed to hear.” I let out a sigh of relief.

“Really? I wish you luck, Dasher. We do love you here…” He struggles to find the right conclusion to that sentence.

“That’s good because I am staying.” I lean across his desk to nuzzle his beard.

He wraps his arms around me. “Oh ho ho! Thank goodness. I don’t know what we would do without you.”

~~As a mom, I definitely know about not feeling appreciated for all that gets done by these little hands over the holidays. At least I get snuggled from my elf-sized little Christmas enthusiasts. Pray for all the mommas. We are working hard to make Santa’s job easier, so he doesn’t wear out those wonderful reindeer…~~

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