Friday, November 18, 2022

Being Thankful Every Year (Should Be Every Day)

I know. Two weeks without a fiction break might be too much, but this is the time of year when most of us allow ourselves to think about our gratitude. We are grateful for the big things like our homes and the little things like our tiny humans blowing us kisses. So let tell you about a number of things I am grateful for.

1. Heavenly Father. He loves me and He loves you. You don’t have to believe it, but I do, so be kind and don’t assume the worst of me. By the same token, I am grateful for Jesus Christ. For those who need reminded of one of the most memorized scriptures ever, John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

2. Faith. It sounds like a repeat, but it isn’t. Faith in the Lord keeps me pointed in the right direction spiritually. Faith in myself helps me accomplish more than should honestly be expected of one human being.

3. Family. Whether we share blood or we have adopted each other, family makes life better. They offer moral support, provide amusing stories to share (if you have met my real or adopted brothers, you know what I speak of—my adopted sisters are all beautiful angels, so they provide sweet uplifting anecdotes), and they remind us of the best qualities in ourselves and others.

4. Food. I love most food. I know that is obvious. I like discovering new flavors, enjoying flavors I already know I love, and sharing comfort foods with others.

5. Muses. Without inspiration, this blog would never have any posts. Keep encouraging my muses and me. We like chocolate, amazon gift cards, and words of appreciation…among other things.

6. Words. Okay, so I complain about them a lot and burst into song (rewatch “My Fair Lady” and you will know what I mean), but words can be so useful. They help us communicate. For book lovers, they help us escape to far away lands whether we are escaping housework or boredom. 

7. Readers. That’s right. Anyone who stumbles on my writing and appreciates it brightens my day. Of course, until I buckle down and self-publish something, I may never know if I have more than three true blue lovers of my words.

8. Animals. Though I currently live in a pet free environment, I could write a whole book about animals I have loved. In fact, even after a decade sans kitties, people still have to patiently pretend to listen when I tell tales of purrs I have loved and lost.

9. Children. Yes, they drive me crazy, since I made little hobbits who are always hungry, but you really can learn a lot from children. I love watching my children root for every sports team with their friends or father, show concern for friends who are hurt or upset, and be willing to talk to everyone and anyone without having to point out their differences. (Though that last one can be terrifying to a mama who reads too many thrillers.) 

10. Friends. With me, this one kind of merges into number three most of them time, but it is always good to have people to rely on and vent to about how terrible other drivers are, etc. (Quick diversion: Also, it is nice when they giggle because you claim you want to go back into a store and buy more of an item simply because the cashier tried to discourage you yesterday because he would have to enter it manually since it isn’t in the system. It is also good when they don’t encourage you to do so since you don’t need said items but really don’t get people not wanting to do their job.)

11. Music. When I can’t find my own words to express my feelings, the right song can really hammer the point home. Honestly wish the lyrics of Sarah McLachlan’s “Good Enough” and Tori Amos’ “Leather” didn’t seem to punctuate my interactions with people, but sometimes Sarah McLachlan’s “Loving You Is Easy” winds its way into my mind as well. If you have seen my girls, you know and you already feel sorry the boys they meet. (Maybe I should spend more time listing to The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square.)

12. Pie. Even though it gives me pie brain (my new definition of this inability to remember important things like putting on a coat when it is in the 30s outside., I love pie. I love to think about it. I love to smell it baking. I love to make it. I love to eat it. I love to smother it in yummy vanilla ice cream. I love to share it with friends. (Or you can find the song from the movie “Michael” and get the same general idea. I decided to link all these fabulous side notes. The librarian in my soul rejoices.)

13. Libraries. You know I love libraries. They have free books, movies, music, programs for everyone, friendly (or at least very interesting) employees, and so much more. 

I had to stop my list somewhere or I would go all day. Thanks for bearing with me. Your patience will be rewarded with a fun story next Friday, so stay posted and stay warm.

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