Monday, October 13, 2014

[RANTINGS] The Happy Homemaker or The Witty Writer

Recent events bring me cause to remind people once again that their definitions of certain words need work. After having two weeks of my time wasted by one entity, I received a phone from a friend who figured I wouldn't be too busy to do them time-consuming favors. One of those favors was for a third party who I keep getting told to call and call again though I left them a message and they never bothered to call me back. I have since called again to no avail. What's the definition of insanity again? (Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?)

People hear homemaker and assume that means "one who has nothing going on in there life or one who waits beside the phone for you to tell them what to do today." The daily life of every homemaker is different, so keep in mind that I speak to my own unique situation. Whether you have children or not, the size of your house, the needs of all the members of the household, and a million other factors can affect what being a homemaker means to an individual. So what do I mean when I say homemaker?

1. Organizer. I am the reigning influence for order in my household. I choose where to put tools for everything from cooking to woodworking. So when my husband or I find exactly what we want with minimum effort, it is because I make sure items always find their way back to their designated location.
2. Personal shopper. Whether we need stamps, food, or small household items, I make a list and check it twice. Then I go fight the teeming hoards in the aisle of the local supermarket to acquire life-sustaining goodness.
3. Cleaning crew. No matter how cleanly you are, the house always needs cleaned. From dishes to clothes to floors, I always have plenty to keep the maid inside happy.
4. Craft specialist. This could be a job of its own. You've seen the posts about some of my creations. I make everything from coasters to journals to necklaces to quilts to whatnots. I have even sold a couple of my creations, so I claim to be an artist of sorts.
5. Chef. While my husband would love to live off of mac-n-cheese, burgers, cheese pizza, and chicken nuggets, I take the opportunity to introduce him to new foods on a regular basis. My job doesn't stop when I bring home produce and other delectables from the store, I still have to assemble them into something my husband will eat. Oddly enough, this takes time...and yet people give me strange looks when I inform them I need to be home by a certain time.
6. Social director. From time to time, my husband and I invite people over or send out cards and letters. Anyone who has ever visited my house can verify that no one starves in my house. The potato chips may come out of a bag, but generally I try out one or two other recipes when people come to visit.
7. Writer. When people aren't wasting my time, I write some entertaining pieces. Some people have even expressed appreciation for my poetry.

So the next time you want to ask someone for a favor, do so respectfully, and don't try to minimize the importance of what they do every day.

(Stray question: Should I elaborate more when I rant?)

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